- ANDès: Association Nationale des Docteurs
- CJC: Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs
- ABG: Association Bernard Grégory
- CLASCHES: Association fighting against sexual harassment in higher education
Government websites
Flat rental
- La carte des colocs: The largest website for flatsharing in France
- LeBonCoin: Find a flat to rent from private owners or agencies
- LocService: Put up your profile and let flat owners contact you
- PAP: Find a flat to rent from private owners
- Jinka: An app aggregating rental offers
- Le Pari Solidaire: An association offering co-living arrangements with elderly people
- Visale: Get a rental guarantor to reassure landlords
- DossierFacile: Store and share your tenancy application documents with an official seal of approval
- TooGoodToGo: Get food at a fraction of the price right before its expiration date
- Phenix: Same idea as TooGoodToGo
- Food banks: Distribution of free food collected from individual donators
- Food distribution points: A list of places where students can go to pick up free food
- AGORAé: Solidary food shops accessible on social criteria